Unless Victory Comes: Combat With A World War ll Machine Gunner In Patton’s Third Army

Unless Victory Comes recounts Garrison’s journey as he turned from a fresh -faced kid from the heartland of America into a hardened soldier fighting for survival. From those first terrifying days, in which the untested youth received his baptism under fire, through the hell on earth that became known as the Battle of the Bulge, Gene Garrison witnessed the war from the bloody ground up as his friends fell around him.
Manning a .30-caliber machine gun in the 87th Infantry, Garrison was a prime target in every firefight as General George Patton’s juggernaut Third Army marched across Europe- and he lived every day knowing it could be his last. This is the story of one young man, far from home, surrounded by strangers, facing death yet never losing hope that he would live to see his family again.
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